Friday, October 10, 2008

And so it begins...

I had a blog a couple of years ago, but I just simply stopped posting due to busy life and not enough interaction with others in the blogosphere... Forced me to talk to have in-person interactions which can go by the wayside when one becomes to attached to their computer. I am looking forward to blogging again and hearing what others at SAPL have to say about these diverse topics and their lives in general. It's a fun idea and I'm excited to see what unfolds...

So, what is my strongest point when it comes to being a lifelong learner? I guess I do tend to view problems as challenges, but not obstacles. This used to be a weak spot for me, but I've become fairly resolute about not being afraid of change, difficult issues/situations and problems in general. I guess I made a breakthrough this year which came from a lot of soul searching. I just decided I didn't want to be one of those people that allows problems to consume my life. In the process, however, I've realized that in being proactive you often have to bewilder others. Sometimes if you've always been in the mode of rolling over when problems arise, people expect you to continue that behavior. I think the death of my grandfather helped me meet my problems head-on. I just started to think about how much of a doer he was and how he didn't let what other people thought get in his way... ever. When he set out to solve a problem he did so creatively and also with positivity. I think that's the key. It actually makes it fun... kind of less like a challenge and more like a game. I hope I can maintain my momentum on that front...

As far as my weakness when it comes to lifelong learning... I don't tend to begin with the end in mind... I'm very step oriented so I sometimes have to remind myself of the end, but in the process, lose sight of it.

That's all for now... hope everyone has a great weekend!! -Ruthless


Unknown said...

I notice a lot of folks have talked about beginning with the end in mind as a difficult learning habit. I probably have the opposite problem - If I can't grasp the bigger issue behind a project, I won't be able to perform my part, a la: "what's my motivation?"

Leigh said...

Love the photograph! Wish I'd thought of something that creative!